Spring 2011

Our intern, Ali - an undergraduate student from Middlebury College, details her experiences from her summer with the HOT program.

Friday, April 29, 2011

World Wide Weblearner

I am an official weblearner. I don’t want to risk calling myself webmaster again for fear that it may induce some sort of error in the html sending me back to the drawing board. For now, I am a weblearner – but I am official. The Shipboard ADCP Plots website is linked to the HOT website now and out for the world to explore.  Please enjoy the Bulging Spry Menu Bar and engaging color scheme for yourself at:

Of course, two days ago when I claimed that the html was complete, it was not.  Many vector fields appeared, which wanted entry into the Spry Menu Bar. There were margins to adjust. There was text to be edited. Then there were margins to readjust.  All small things are worth it, though, for the satisfaction of having that html pop up on the World Wide Web in more or less the same format in which I designed it. Naturally, it does not end here. I am sure I will have the opportunity to readjust the margins at some point in the future. For now, I will focus on artistically rendering plots of wire out versus time, and crafting haikus into m-files.

The more I calculate, the more I must recalculate. I spent yesterday and today averaging and re-averaging the wire speed from the Caley crane because each time I made a new calculation, I found a problem with the last calculation.  To start, I calculated the wire speed from the total depth of the cast over the time from start to finish. However, I had neglected to take into account the starting and ending wire out values, which were invariably non-zero. After I recomputed these averages, I realized that the boundaries I set for each cast were inconsistent. All the better though, because each set of equations I concoct make me think more closely about the 68947 rows of numbers.  I have also become increasingly crafty with my use of Matlab, making up functions until one works. Craig ‘Magic Fingers’ came by and remarked at how slow calculations by hand are, which spurred me to ask Matlab to do these calculations for me. Matlab, charmingly, obliged – however, only one column at a time.  For tomorrow, the goal will be to plot CTD data and Caley data in the same figure with dueling scales on the x-axis.

Unix language lesson for today:

‘!!’                   means ‘do what I just asked you to do again, this time with enthusiasm’

Matlab language lesson for today:

‘hold on’          contrary to intuition, does not mean ‘be patient with me, I’m learning,’ rather it means ‘keep this line on the plot while I add another’

‘r’                    means ‘make this line a vibrant color red’

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